
MORESCO Corporate Behavior Charter

Based on the ten principles below, the MORESCO Group will respect human rights, comply with laws and international rules and respect the spirit thereof, and act in a socially responsible manner both in Japan and overseas.

MORESCO Corporate Behavior Charter

1. We will earn the satisfaction and trust of our customers by developing and providing products and services that are useful to society with adequate consideration to safety and our responsibility as a supplier.

2. We will offer products and services through fair, transparent, and free competition, and conduct transactions appropriately.

3. We will give adequate consideration to the protection of customer information and personal information, and will treat such information appropriately.

4. We will communicate with shareholders and various other members of society, and will disclose corporate information in an appropriate and fair manner.

5. We will maintain an internal control system and conduct work appropriately according to prescribed procedures to ensure the reliability of financial reporting.

6. We will achieve comfort and prosperity by working to develop the potential of all employees and maintaining a safe and pleasant working environment while respecting the personality and individuality of every employee.

7. We acknowledge that efforts to combat environmental problems are essential requirements of corporate existence and activities, and will act assertively.

8. We will engage proactively in social contribution activities as a good corporate citizen.

9. We will have nothing to do with any anti-social force or group that threatens the order and safety of civil society.

10. We will comply with international rules and local laws and will also respect local cultures and traditions and contribute to the development thereof when conducting business internationally.


December 19, 2008

MORESCO Corporation