
Main Business

Functional Fluids Division

Strong support for working with big machines such asheavy equipment and plants

We supply a variety offunctional fluids worldwide, making good use of blending technologies in mixingdifferent materials. A number of products have acquired top share in Japanesemarket for their high quality and high functionalyity.


Hot Melt Adhesive Division

Contributing to safety, health and environment in life

We developenvironment-friendly products from the customer’s point of view. We are nowdeveloping reactive hot melt adhesives with higher heat resistance by makingoptimal use of our unique blending and polymer modification technologies.


Synthetic Lubricants Division

High-performance lubricant for harsh environments

By continuously furtherimproving our in-house synthesis technologies, we create one-of-a-kind productsyet to be replicated anywhere in the world. We are continuing development ofnext-generation lubricants that will best fit costomer's needs.


Liquid Paraffin & Sulfonates Division

Safe and harmless, colorless and transparent, odorlessand tasteless

Using sulfonation technology,We succeeded in domestically producing liquid paraffins and sulfonates, thefirst in Japan to do so. We continue promoting improvements to facilities andprocesses to enhance cost-competitiveness and stabilize quality.


Metal Working Fluids Division

Contributing to cost reduction and environmentalimprovement by longer life

MORESCO developed watersoluble cutting fluids that have long service lives by combining a uniqueblending technology in mixing a variety of materials with domain knowledge forproduct usage. And we are now developing and selling products that meet theneeds of customers in global market.


Materials for Device Development Department

Contributing to longer life for organic devices

We develop a sealing materialsby applying polymer modification and blending technologies cultivated in ourhot melt adhesive research. We are also working on developing new sealingmaterials for new sealing methods.